Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Marina At Keppel Bay - Paradise For The Rich

Today, I went to a new landmark in Singapore and realise it was a new "Hangout Place" for the rich.

At first, my initial intention was to accompany Jason to attend the Asia Dive Expo 2009. Unexpectedly, the exhibition is actually divided into 2 sections. Mainly on diving trips and equipments, and another section will be on my new dream in life - Yacht!

This is my 1st time to the Boat Asia 2009 exhibition. Its an amazing sight. Its a place where the rich people "shop" for their Boats. Can you imagine those cars at the carpark? Audi R8, BMW Convertable, Jaguar etc. With my Nissan Latio, I feel much inferior parking beside their vehicle. :)

Marina at Keppel Bay is one of the 1st place I think anyone who aim to be rich should aim for in Singapore. The place is enclose with nice sea view and its just a 5 min walk away from Vivocity. So ladies and gentlemen, if you have the time, do find some time and go down and see the place "my future home" will be and let the spectacular view 'WOW' you!

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
- Anatole France