Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tony Gordan's - "It Can Only Get Better"

Lately just started reading a book by Tony Gordan which i feel like sharing with my friends.

As i share the same career with him, I felt the book was really useful in the sense that it reminds me of the basic fundamental as a financial consultant we may have overlook.

  • The difference between success and mediocrity is simply this; successful people discipline themselves to do the things that mediocre people don't like to do.

  • Consistence of activity always produces consistency of results.

  • "If we are not producing at the level of Million Dollar Round Table membership then we are not doing justice to ourselves, our families and our clients, because we are just not doing enough."

  • "We can achieve anything we want to achieve if only we have the courage to believe we can achieve it."
This few statements do kept me thinking and thinking about this business. I always encounter my colleague telling me, "I didn't earn enough, sales is bad" End of the day, we should always ask ourselves are we doing enough? This business is not just all about money. Its such a wonderful business and our role is to help people understand more about their financial situation and how financial goals can be met and how financial risk can be managed. So, MDRT to me is not just about earning lots of money but we can see MDRT in another angle like:

M - Mindset

D - Drive

R - Resilience

T - Tenacity


M - Master

D - Doing

R - Right

T - Things

So, my friend who are in this field of business. Understand that we are a banch of "Doctors" who are not well like by the public YET. Our aims is to let more people understand about their own "Financial Illnesses" which can be treated with the right prescribtion. So don't give up and you will see success in the near future. :)

"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. "

- Conrad Hilton