Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

What Is Success?

Today i attended the Prulink Workshop and one of the FSD told us a story which inspire me alot. The summary of this story goes like this.

"Once upon a time, there was this young men who just came into the society wanting to learn about what is success all about. He when around asking people what is success all about and someone told him that in one of the city in the world there live a very wise man. He should go and pay him a visit.

So, off he goes with much enthusiasim looking for the meaning of success. After going through alot of hardship, he finally reach the city, the destination.

When he came infront of the wise man he ask, "Mr. Wise Man, can you tell me what is success all about?"

"Young man, this have been a long journey and you must be tired. I am busy today and by the way have you visit this beautiful city before? Come, bring along this teaspoon of golden oil and come and visit me tomorrow without spilling the oil." The wise man said.

So, the young man took the teaspoon of oil and he start touring around the beautiful city. He pay no attention on the scenery around him as he is so focus on the teaspoon of oil preventing it from spilling.

Next day, the young man return to the wise man place with the teaspoon full of oil. He asked," So, Mr Wise Man, I have fufill my promise, not spilling the oil and return to understand more about success."

The wise man replied," So, have you seen the city?"

The young man shook his head.

"Go, take the teaspoon of oil and go see the beautiful city again. I will see you tomorrow."

This time round, the young man went off and really walk around the city enjoying the beautiful scenery.

The following day, the young guy came back anxiosly, telling the wise man how beautiful the city was.

The wise man asked," So, where is oil?"

This time round, the young man realise that all his oil was gone.

The wise man spoke," Young man, Success is about focusing on the little things you want to achieve in life, and at the same time get to enjoy the nice things that happen in your life. That is what sucess is all about."