Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

The Fight Has Just Begun

As the cloud of uncertainty crept through your heart
that symbolic tint of doubt moisten in your soul
tell yourself, my friend
that... the fight has just begun
As others criticize you, when you clamber the ladder of success
question you, as if every single step you take is wrong
tell yourself, my friend
that... the fight has just begun
The fight to be the best
The fight to be No.1
The fight for every dominant soul to give the best to the society
...must continue
Every fall is another step forward
Every sprint is another leapt onwards
Every barrier is meant to be a breakthrough
Every endeavor will lead to your success
Every sales will be a close
Oh yes...my friend...
The fight has just begun.
You will climb mountains
You will trudge hills
You will swim oceans, dive seas
if that is needed, to pull it through.
No one... no one can EVER deny you of
the opportunity to be courageous
to be focus
to be decisive
in your valiant attempt to be the number 1 in the industry..
The fight, indeed has just begun...
-Helmi Hakim-