Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-


The objective of this unit on Self-discipline is for you to discover how to take control of your life by setting goals and taking concrete steps to achieve them.You will be exposed to new perspectives and new ways to lead a happier, healthier and more gratifying life; a life where you know what you want, set realistic goals and work to achieve them.

"Goal setting is the strongest force for human motivation. Set a goal and make it come true."

Definitions of self-discipline

What is self-discipline? How can you achieve it? Self-discipline is one of the hardest quality to achieve in character education. Having self-discipline means that you must have the ability to control yourself. For example, instead of going out with your friends, you must be able to control yourself, make yourself stay at home and study instead of going out. Tough isn't is? Self-discipline means that you have to be very determined to achieve the goals you have set.To be a self-disciplined person, you have to be able to control your feelings and desires and also behave with responsibility without orders. Another example is, let's say your teacher gives you 2 months to complete a project. Do you have discipline to start early, make fully use of the two months to do your project? Or would you leave it to the last minute? (Like me :o)) If your answer is the first one, then you are a really self-disciplined person. ( This kind of person are really rare nowadays) or if your answer is to do it in the eleventh hour, then you should start practicing self-discipline. Finally, a self-disciplined person must have the ability to correct himself for the sake of improvement. As you can see, it is not easy to achieve self-discipline, but nothing is impossible, if you have the determination to learn to be self-discipline, then congratulations, you have already begun learning what is self-discipline.