Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Determine Your Time Worth

Everyone has the same amount of time capital. You cannot borrow or buy time. All you can do is invest the time you have to achieve an outcome. How happy you are with this outcome in return for time invested is the measure of your effectiveness in using your time capital.Your productivity is a direct measure of how wisely you invest your time to achieve a desired outcome.
An hour is lost if you don't use it productively.

You cannot recover lost time. Many prople do not realize they could be wasting many hours each day on unproductive activities such as watching meaningless TV program. Identify time you now waste everyday and use them wisely on areas of importance to you. Think how much this would improve your personal productivity and get the most from yourself.

When you understand the worth of your time, you are better able to concentrate your efforts on items that offer the highest worthwhile payoffs. As a result, you accomplish more of the important objectives that bring high profits.

We only have exactly 24 hours a day.